Tuesday, July 21, 2009

HotDish of the Week

Just like a good Midwest potluck I’m bringing something new to the table. Welcome to the first installment of the 'HotDish of the Week.' In addition to my normal, run of the mill LA anecdotes, this will be a brief mention of something I’m really excited about/really hating. (Not that I have ever hated anything in my whole, sweet Midwest Girl life…) Enjoy!

My friend Noah is famous. At least he is to me and anyone else who reads Los Angeles Magazine. He is featured this month as the LA Archetype “Actor-Waiter.” Buy one! Read it! Noah is talented, driven, deserving and one of my first friends in LA.

With every person I share this article with, Noah and my relationship becomes stronger and stronger. As if I can achieve fame by proxy. It has moved from “look at this article, one of my best friends in LA is featured” to “my very best friend in the whole universe is in Los Angeles Magazine.” We will probably get married when he is a movie star.

What can I say….I’m a fickle fickle girl.

We celebrated by eating at Animal. If you are a carnivore and are willing to try things like pig stomach and foie gras then I would highly recommend it. And for those of you silently judging me for eating anything with the word “stomach” in the description…you would have too if it was covered in butter, gravy, and maple syrup.

Congratulations to Noah, ‘my best friend in the whole world who I’m so close with I would donate both my kidney’s!’ I love you.


  1. Congratulations Adam! (He went to Concordia too? I do not recognize him. Oops. Guess I didn't have many theater or dance classes with him. Oh well- then I could have become famous through him too! Although- I am already pretty famous through you . . .)

  2. Good gosh- Adam? NOAH! Congratulations NOAH. Noah, Noah, Noah- such a better name than Adam anyway. Please don't hate me Noah. (Or any Adam's out there.)

  3. I think it's funny that the last thing in that article mentions Kevin Bacon. Hehe.

  4. That is funny! I didn't even notice that. Kevin haunts me....
