Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I Better Have More Fun...

I am my father’s (and mother’s) daughter.

I am literally almost an exact blend of both their personalities and features. If you knew my family well, you could find distinct qualities of both my parents and my grandparents in me.

I’m not one of those kids who people think, “Where did that kid come from.” I clearly came from the Bollingberg/Runck lineage. (How is that for some last names!?)

I have been approached in public on two occasions by people I have never met and asked if I was Kim or Del Mari’s daughter. (I am.)

I have my father’s eyes (and his sense of humor.) I have my mother’s smile (and her determination to succeed.) I can thank Grandma Hopwood for my hair and Grandma Lottie Mae for the shape of my body (sometimes ‘thanking’ her is bit difficult.)

I’m sure you're saying, “We don’t care about your genes! Where is this going?”

I’m getting there!

As most of you know, I recently dyed my hair. I understand that people dye their hair all the time. But in my family, it was a crisis.

When I sent my mother photos she said the following.

You're not my little girl anymore.

In her defense, she said it in a sad, reflective way – not a bitter “cutting-me-out-of-the-will” kind of way.

There are no blonds in the family. We breed redheads or the ever-popular “dish-water brown” haired kids. Despite my predominantly Norwegian heritage (Uff-da) there is no place for golden locks in our tribe.

Which explains the outrage, the begging to change it back, the spontaneous – and sometimes hurtful – comments. (One person went so far as to say, “I just can’t get over looking at you and thinking ‘dumb’.”)

But, my agent likes it. As does my Manager (PS: Just signed with a manager…more on that later.)

So, I’m keeping it for a while. Sorry, Mom. And Dad. And Aunt Beth and Uncle Tim and Grandma and Grandpa Hopwood, and the little boy I nanny who said my hair was “too light.”

It’s staying. At least for a while….

(This one says, "I could beat you in Small Claims Court.")

Headshots taken by Amber Bella Photography.


  1. Nice pics hottie. How is LA? is that where you are now?

  2. Who are you and what have you done with ol' dishwater brown hair girl?

  3. She is still here, I promise. And Sean, LA is great! I really love it and can't imagine being anywhere else right now. Thanks for asking. :) Are you still in Omaha?

  4. Wow- it is lighter than it used to be . . . but I am sure everyone will get used to it soon. My sister used to dye her hair that color and it looked weird when she first dyed it back to her normal color. Normal is relative. = )

  5. It's weird, because since I only know you from Jane Doe, I never even knew blond wasn't your natural color. So brown will be the switch for me, I guess.

  6. Isn't it amazing what hair can do for a girl? Your look before was "cute, girl next door" This look is "Sexy, leading lady" and YOU are the same person regardless... that's the thing about acting that always amazed me. It's not what you know you can do, it's about what you present.

    For what it's worth (and as one who changes her hair more regularly than she does her oil) I think you look FANTASTIC. Rock it, enjoy it, and kick some actor butt!

  7. Thanks Tiffany! I am trying to 'rock it' as best I can. If it's any testament to how much I like it, I haven't been able to bring myself to change it back... :)
